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What is the format of play for the Audi quattro Cup?

Centre Rounds - Individual stableford
Regional Finals - Fourball Betterball
UK Final - Greensomes
World Final - Greensomes


I am not an Audi driver can I still take part in the competition?

You are welcome to play in your local Centre Round, but you will be unable to progress any further in the competition.


I have played in the Regional Finals and UK Final in the past, can I qualify again?

Yes you can qualify for all rounds so long as you have a valid handicap certificate.


If I qualify through to the Regional Final, how does my playing partner get selected?

Should you be successful in qualifying through to the Regional Finals you will be allocated a partner based on your scorings, you will not be able to pick your playing partner.


Should I qualify through to the Regional Finals am I able to take a guest with me?

Spectators are welcome at the Regional Finals, however no hospitality will be provided by Audi UK.


If I am successful in qualifying through to the Regional Finals will my travel be organised and paid for?

If you qualify through to the Regional Finals you will need to make your own way to the venue.


If I am successful in qualifying through to the UK Final will my travel be organised and paid for?

Audi UK will provide you with a vehicle for the week, which will be delivered to you with a full tank of fuel.


If I am successful in qualifying through to the World Final will my travel be organised and paid for?

Yes, Audi UK will cover the cost of your registration, flights, hotel booking and transfers.


If I have qualified for the World Final in the past, can I qualify again?

Participants that have already taken part in an Audi quattro Cup World Final can only participate again the third year after the World Final, even if playing with a different partner. You will be able to attend the initial Centre Round, but will not be able to progress any further i.e if you participated in the 2016 World Final, you will not be able to compete again until 2019.


If I qualify through to the UK Final and World Final are guests permitted to attend with me?

You will be able to bring one guest with you to share the experience, however if you wish to do so there will be a charge which will cover all your guests services at the event.

Interested in getting involved?

To become part of the 2017 Audi quattro Cup tournament, you will need to register your interest directly with your local Audi Centre. The tournament is extremely popular with our Audi customers; therefore, places are subject to availability. If you are successful, your local Audi Centre will provide you with a unique registration code which you will need in order to register your details.

Should you have any questions about the tournament, please contact the Audi quattro Cup Events Team on 01865 822517 or email quattrocup@audieventsuk.com.